Super Invar®, also known as Invar 32-5 and Alloy 32-5 is an austenitic, solid solution alloy with gummy like texture that belongs to the invar family of nickel-iron alloys. There are three types of the alloy available on the market today; standard invar, super invar (invar 32-5) and free machining invar (invar 36). The difference between them is the chemical composition which in turn varies the properties.
Standard Invar is made up mostly by nickel and iron and with a few other elements in small ratios. Super Invar is built up by approximately 32 % nickel, 5% cobalt, and around 63 % iron with small amounts of silicon, carbon, aluminium, sulfur, copper, chromium and manganese.
The low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is the most important characteristic of all invar types and especially of Super Invar®. The CTE of Super Invar® is around one third of the CTE of regular invar and is almost zero after specific heat processing. It is designed to provide minimum thermal expansion at ambient temperatures. This property alone makes it valuable and even more expensive than regular invar. However, the useful range of Super Invar® is limited and valid only over a controlled temperature limit ( -32° to + 275°C ). This is because the material begins to transform from Austenite to Martinsite at temperature below -32°F and its CTE also changes more rapidly than other low expansion metals outside of this temperature range.
Future alloys can advise the suitability of Super Invar® for your application.